How Do I Use the Dashboard?


The Dashboard screen displays after a login. The screen provides you with useful information and it allows navigation to all data forms.



The Menu Bar

oLocation - On the left-hand side of the screen, below the A&E seal, you can observe a row of four icons.  This comprises the menu bar. 


oFunction - The purpose of the Menu Bar is to allow you to interact with the system; that means that you receive, request, and enter information there. 




Right-hand Corner Controls

oLocation - to the right of the screen title, both orange and white text


oFunction -


oTo aid users in understanding the system through text and e-mail {Help, Support buttons}

oTo access the user's account {My Account button}

oFor identification purposes {Current DBA field}

oFor managing users (creating, searching) {Users button}

oManaging DBA's (retrieving a record){Settings button}



Locate each of the above function areas on the following Dashboard screen.





oLocation - found below the the Menu bar.  It consists of boxes that hold numbers and fields for the start and end dates.


oFunction - to present data 

Area One  

the area immediately below the Welcome presents the number and type of applications.  The types are: 




3.Ready for Payment

4.Will Call, and

5.Pending User Access. 


The total number of applications (projects) is given for each criteria.


You will also find interactive fields where you can specify the Start date and the End date of the report you want.




Area Two

In the area below the Start and End Dates data is presented in chart form and/or graphs. 


Other graphs show numbers for:


1.Application Queue

2.Applications by Status

3.Issued Permits Queue

4.Permits Approved, but not Paid