Carts for Submitting Applications


There are 2 carts for use in ePermits.  Access them under the Permits menu item.


The Shopping Cart Menu Item


The Shopping Cart (Cart in the drop-down menu) is intended to present all of your requests in an organized fashion.  The information in the form of a table includes the:

oProject Number

oAddress of the construction,

oAssigned Number of the construction with the:


2.Permit Fee

3.Submittal Date

4.Fee Details


The PermitCodeFee is a link to the costs for that particular construction.  For example, use the example below that shows the Residential, New 1 Family home with a detached garage (101).  To find these details, hover over the term, Fee Details on the far right of the visual.  The charges for this permit are displayed in a small window showing each charge as a line item.



At the bottom of the form, buttons represent three actions:  Submit as reviewed; declare an Incorrect Amount, or DeBug Set Paid to remove a paid charge.



What is the function of the Will Call Cart?


The Will Call Cart contains applications that have been identified as those which will  be paid in person.  To access the Will Call Cart, hover over Permit on the menu bar and select Will Call. 


The Project number (application for the permit) is broken down with the individual permits associated with that application.  The permits checked are those to be paid first. 


Note: These payments will be made

at the payment office,

not online.


When complete, click Submit.